Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fitt 1, and observations of poem's setting, characters, language, and meter

Fitt 1 begins by establishing itself upon the literary rock of Troy. The poem is credible-ized. The poet recounts England's flowing history. A setting of wonder and dread is introduced. The majestical mist which tantalizes Britain's atmosphere brings with it a marvelous melody hinted with tunes of foreboding. The poet draws his reader in, through the gates to the castle with seductive language. The poetry is gripping. Our storyteller unsheathes the sword of alliteration; the protruding sounds pop out the page. Alongside, the words demands attention; each carries with it a deep dimension of meaning. As a result, the reader finds himself lost carousing with Arthur's knights. It is Chritmastime and the poetic pace changes. 'Pace' had begun by smoothly and gently grazing past years of history. Now she takes a dive into the joyous hall, and now the pace is quickening and lively. Suddenly the pace halts, and enters in the Green knight. A man of stature and commanding physique. This brute calls out to the knights tempting them with a quest. He declares whosoever should smite his neck is a brave knight, but that knight must receive a similar blow in a year's time. The hall is silent, until kingly Arthur rises up to take this challenge. But good Gawain instead takes the quest, claiming that the court would rather risk loosing humble Gawain than their Majestic Master. Gawain takes the Green man's axe and swings through the fairy's green neck. The Green knight's head flies across the floor, and the monster retrieves it. The Fitt 1 comes to frightening close.

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