According to Augustine, 'Classical Wisdom' allows him to see Truth in a new light, reveals to him the true nature of evil, and points him towards a new direction on his search for Truth. "It was further made clear to me that [...] evil, the source of which I was searching, cannot be a substance, because if it were it be good." (Book VII, 12,18) "But in those days, after reading the books of the Platonists and following their advice to seek for truth beyond corporeal forms, I turned my gaze towards your [God's] invisible reality."(Book VII, 20, 26). This is a big moment for Augustine; for a while he has been struggling to find answers to these complex questions: What is evil? Does God exist as a form? and Where can Truth be found? These Platonist books or this "Classical Wisdom" has provided him with reasonable answers. However Augustine later goes on to say "on these points I was quite certain, but I was far to weak to enjoy you [God]." (Book VII 20, 26) The Classical wisdom has given him truth, but its missing something. Augustine turns towards scripture: "So I began to read [the Bible], and discovered that every truth was taught here also, but now inseparably from your gift of grace,"(Book VII 21,27). Augustine then points out that "[...] grace given through Jesus Christ our Lord, [...] yet [this world] slew him all the same; and so the record of debt that stood against us was annuled." (Book VII 21, 27) Basicly, Jesus saves us from our debts (or sins) and allows us to reach the Truth. In essence Augustine is claiming that 'Classical Wisdom" allows one to see Truth correctly, but only Jesus allows on to get to truth. (John 14:6)
A very thorough response to a very important question, Ben. Well done! Augustine's relationship to Classical learning is complex. As you rightly point out the nboks of the Platonists greatly help him to understand the nature of evil--as a privation of the good, rather than an independent force--and that God is truth; God is existence, the light through which all created things are made manifest. However, the crucial distinction is that although these works illuminate Truth, they do not offer a way to that Truth, and consequently such Classical learning turns back in on itself as the object of its own wisdom rather than outward towards God.